$130.00 – $595.00
They gathered around as she performed her swan song. Every melody was wrapped up in past memories. Every note danced past infinity and back again. The creatures held their palms under her heart and promised to keep her experiences as souvenirs. They would take her song and rehearse it over and over again…especially when they needed a reminder of how beautiful life can be. She sang, “Even though this is my last piece, let it inspire you to write your symphonic overture. Compose it full of everything I wish I could have said and remember to fill it with everything I feared was too big to feel. Create nothing less than real magic.”
Size | XL, L, M, S |
$130.00 – $595.00
$130.00 – $595.00
Ⓒ 2019 Shoshi Jacobs - Powered by ID Digital